Chip 2004 April
Html Editor
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225 lines
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="oncontentready" ONEVENT="cReady();" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onclick" ONEVENT="menuClick();" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmouseover" ONEVENT="menuItemOver();" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmouseout" ONEVENT="menuItemOut();" />
<PUBLIC:EVENT NAME="onsubmenu_click" ID="propId" />
<PUBLIC:DEFAULTS style="cursor:default" />
<PUBLIC:PROPERTY NAME="backColor" VALUE="menu"/>
<script language="jscript">
// Global Variables
var minMenuWidth = 50; // Minumum width for the children of the popUp
var mColor = "menu"; // Default color used for the backgroundColor
var menuHeight = 23; // Menu height
var defaultWidth; // Variable to store the width of the text for an element
var srcElem = null; // Object to the source element which generated the click event
var ix = ""; // Left position of the pop-up window
var iy = ""; // Top position of the pop-up window
var iHeight = ""; // Height of the pop-up window
var iWidth = ""; // Width of the pop-up window
var popUp; // The pop-up window object
var menuWidth = 0; // Temporary variable to store the width of each menu item
var maxMenuWidth = 0; // Variable to store the maximum menuWidth
// Function : cReady
// Executed : Executes when oncontentready fires on the HTC document.
// Usage : Oncontentready is used to set initial values and styles once the content
// of the HTC is parsed.
function cReady(){
// Define the style for the current element.
if(backColor == null || backColor == ""){
element.style.backgroundColor = mColor;
mColor = backColor;
element.style.backgroundColor = mColor;
element.style.fontFamily = "Verdana";
element.style.height = menuHeight;
element.style.padding = 4;
element.style.fontSize = "10px";
element.style.border = "1px solid";
element.style.borderColor = mColor;
// Hide all the first-level children for the Behavior.
if(element.children.length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++){
element.children[i].style.fontSize = "10px";
element.children[i].style.display = "none";
element.children[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
element.children[i].style.height = menuHeight;
// Function : menuClick
// Executed : When the onclick event fires on the custom Element.
// Usage : Creates the pop-up window with the first-level children of the current
// element and displays the pop-up window with the first-level elements.
// Each child element will have its own events attached to it using the attach method.
function menuClick(){
ix = 0;
iy = 0;
iHeight = 0;
iWidth = 0;
// Retrieve the source element which fired the event.
srcElem = event.srcElement;
srcElem.style.borderRight = "1px inset white";
srcElem.style.borderTop = "1px inset black";
srcElem.style.borderLeft = "1px inset black";
srcElem.style.borderBottom = "1px inset white";
// Hide the popup.
// Create the popup for the current parent menu item.
popUp = window.createPopup();
var oPopBody = popUp.document.body;
// Does the custom element have any children?
if(srcElem.children.length > 0){
ix = 0;
iy = srcElem.offsetHeight;
// Get pop-up window Height and Width
iHeight = 23 * srcElem.children.length + 4;
iWidth = defaultWidth;
// Empty string to store the innerText of the current element's child.
var sz = "";
for(var j = 0; j < element.children.length; j++){
// Store the innerText of the current element.
sz = InnerText(element.children[j].innerHTML);
// Set the menuWidth variable to the length of the sz string.
menuWidth = sz.length;
if(menuWidth > maxMenuWidth)
maxMenuWidth = menuWidth;
iWidth = maxMenuWidth * 10;
if(iWidth < minMenuWidth)
iWidth = 60;
// Create an opening string of a SPAN Tag.
var popupHTML = "<SPAN style='position:absolute;" + "top:0px;" + "left:0px; height:" + iHeight + "px; width:" + iWidth + "px'>";
// Go through all the first-level children elements and get their outerHTML and append it to the DIV Element as children.
for(j = 0; j < element.children.length; j++){
// Assign the ID of the current child element to its innerText.
element.children[j].id = element.children[j].id;
popupHTML += element.children[j].outerHTML + "\n";
element.children[j].style.width = iWidth + "px";
// Add the closing SPAN Tag to the popupHTML string variable.
popupHTML += "</" + "SPAN>";
// Assign the HTML from above into the body of the pop-up window.
oPopBody.innerHTML = popupHTML;
// Assign events to each of the children in the pop-up, then show the custom elements in the pop-up.
for(j = 0; j < oPopBody.children[0].children.length; j++){
// Attach events to the children of the menu.
oPopBody.children[0].children[j].onmouseover = menuChildmouseOver;
oPopBody.children[0].children[j].onclick = menuChildClick;
// Define the current child's style to display.
oPopBody.children[0].children[j].style.display = "block";
oPopBody.children[0].children[j].style.visibility = "visible";
// Define the popUp's style.
oPopBody.style.borderLeft = "2 outset white";
oPopBody.style.borderTop = "2 outset white";
oPopBody.style.borderRight = "1 outset black";
oPopBody.style.borderBottom = "1 outset black";
oPopBody.style.position = "absolute";
oPopBody.style.backgroundColor = mColor;
oPopBody.style.fontFamily = "Verdana";
// Call the hidePop function upon onmouseleave firing.
popUp.document.body.onmouseleave = hidePopup;
// Show the popUp using the show method.
popUp.show( ix , iy , iWidth , iHeight, srcElem);
function menuChildmouseOver(){
// Cancel the event so that it does not bubble up to its parent.
popUp.document.parentWindow.event.cancelBubble = true;
// Retrieve the source element from the pop-up which fired the event.
srcElem = popUp.document.parentWindow.event.srcElement;
// Define the current element's style.
srcElem.style.color = "white";
srcElem.style.background = "highlight";
window.status = srcElem.innerHTML;
var oEvent;
function menuChildClick(){
// Cancel the event so that it does not bubble up to its parent.
popUp.document.parentWindow.event.cancelBubble = true;
// Retrieve the source element from the pop-up which fired the event.
srcElem = popUp.document.parentWindow.event.srcElement;
// Create a new event object.
oEvent = createEventObject();
// Assign the event object's result property to the ID of the custom element's ID which fired this event.
oEvent.result = srcElem.id;
// Fire the custom element's event.
propId.fire (oEvent);
// Hide the pop-up.
// Function : HidePopup
// Executed : When the onmouseleave event fires on the custom Element.
// Usage : Hides the pop-up window for the menu.
function hidePopup(){
// Function : menuItemOver
// Executed : When the onmouseover event fires on the custom Element.
// Usage : Changes the background color & font color of the Element.
function menuItemOver(){
// Retrieve the source element.
srcElem = event.srcElement;
window.status = srcElem.id;
// Set the element's style.
srcElem.style.borderRight = "1px outset black";
srcElem.style.borderTop = "1px outset white";
srcElem.style.borderLeft = "1px outset white";
srcElem.style.borderBottom = "1px outset black";
// Function : menuItemOut
// Executed : When the onmouseout event fires on the custom Element.
// Usage : Restores the background color & font color of the Element
// to the defaults.
function menuItemOut(){
// Retrieve the source element.
srcElem = event.srcElement;
// Set the element's style.
srcElem.style.backgroundColor = mColor;
srcElem.style.color = "black";
srcElem.style.border = "1px solid";
srcElem.style.borderColor = mColor;
// Function : InnerText
// Parameter : string
// Executed : Called from the mouseClick function.
// Usage : InnerText function gets the innerHTML of the custom element, which can
// contain Text + HTML; example, innerHTML of the first custom element looks like
// Start <ie:menu>Run</ie:menu>.... The function strips out the text until the
// first instance of "<" and returns the string.
function InnerText(szText){
var startTag = szText.indexOf("<");
if(szText.substr(0, startTag) == "")
return szText;
return szText.substr(0,startTag);